Friday 13 January 2012

ITTP TEFL Prague: Friday Questions

This Friday's question is...

-Q: I know your school helps get jobs. I know there will be a background check but is it done by fingerprints or a consumer report. If it is fingerprints do they just do a federal background check or state and federal background check by fingerprint. I am asking because I can teach with my criminal background in the u.s.a. because it was so long ago in 1989 and my judication was withheld on felony. If they only do a federal background check and not the state by fingerprint my record will not show up I know this for a fact.

-A: For citizens of the USA there is no criminal background check as part of the visa process. All you need to do is visit the American Embassy in Prague and submit an Affidavit (Prohlaseni o trestni bezuhonnosti). An affidavit is a declaration in writing made upon oath, signed in front of a notary. You are required to provide your personal details, passport number, and your official address in Prague (Trvaly Pobyt). The actual wording of the oath which you sign to is:
"I hereby declare that I have never committed any act outside the territory of the Czech Republic that might be considered an act incompatible with my impeccability, according to the law No. 326/1999 Coll., on the stay of foreigners in the area of the Czech Republic, amended by later decree, and on the application for long term visa or permanent residence in the Czech Republic."
There is a US$50 fee for this.

Hope it helps!

Hezky den!/Lovely day!

Neville :-)