Friday, 18 May 2012

ITTP Prague TEFL: Friday Questions

This Friday's question is...

-Q: I have heard that the Czech visa laws have recently changed. Do I need a degree to take the course and teach in Prague?

-A: The only major change to the law, from the beginning of this year, is that now you need to notarize your education document which you submit as part of the application process. If you are submitting your college degree then this should be notarized in your country of residence. If you are submitting your TEFL certificate then this can be notarized here on the ground in Prague. If submitting a college degree then you will need to have that nostrified here on the ground in Prague (this process officially recognizes your degree).
For those wanting to know btw, the nostrification process is done here:
Magistrát hl. m. Prahy, odbor školství, Jungmannova 29/35, 110 00 Praha 1
Mgr. Martin Fučík, č. dveří 618, tel.: 236 005 214
Jana Neumanová, č. dveří 635, tel.: 236 005 266.
Other than that, no changes. You don't need to have a degree to take the course and you don't have to have a degree to teach (legally) in Prague. As the current law stands, your TEFL certificate from ITTP is an acceptable document for the work visa process and for securing a teaching position in Prague.
However, if you don't have a college degree and you are looking to teach in some areas of the Middle East and Asia then you might be required to have the degree as part of the local visa application process (such countries include S.Korea, Japan, Saudi Arabia).
You will be fine though in most other countries with just your TEFL certificate (and no degree).

Hope it helps!

Hezky den!/Lovely day!

Neville :-)